New Jersey has a unified statewide court system. Find information on our courts, practices, divisions, and probation offices. How do I ... Represent myself in court? Find contact information? Find my county Superior Court? Watch court events online? Watch the video New Jersey Courts: The Transformation to a Modern Judiciary Supreme Court The NJ Supreme Court is the highest court in the state. Appellate Division of Superior Court Find court opinions, calendars, and guidance for filing appeals. Tax Court Statewide forum for NJ taxpayers to appeal county boards of taxation and state agency decisions. Superior Court Clerk's Office Access to Superior Court records and case information, foreclosure, and judgment liens. Vicinages Find county Superior Court location, services, and contact information. AOC Criminal Practice Policies, procedures, and programs for the practice of criminal law in the New Jersey Courts. AOC Civil Practice Policies, procedures, and programs for the practice of civil law in the New Jersey Courts. AOC Family Practice Policies, procedures, and programs for practice of family law in the New Jersey Courts. Municipal Court Policies, procedures, and programs to support local municipal courts. Directories Find offices, judges, and staff. Adult Probation Supervision Guidelines and resources for adults under probation supervision. Juvenile Probation Services Guidance and resources for juveniles under probation supervision. Child Support Enforcement Probation Services includes enforcement of child support orders.